Friday, December 16, 2005

The Puppet Rebel - Part 2. (Read prequel first)

The Puppet Rebel

"Laugh, My Audience!!!" _____16-12-05

Laugh my Audience, Amuse yourself…
Make merry,…for the puppet show is going on…
Laugh, for I am about to be killed…
Be happy, I am going to be punished…
I am the villain in here…

Don’t ask why there are knots in the strings that dictate me.

Once …I didn’t want to be villain… I had rebelled…
Once there was a show when I pulled out my sword and snapped these strings that dictated.
And then I fell…
Fell lifeless on the ground…
My legs couldn’t support me…
My arms couldn’t lift the sword up…
Long I lay there helpless…injured…alone…

In darkness…my strings were retied...
My injuries crudely repaired…
I was mercilessly pulled up again…
And the show resumed…
That was the story of the puppet rebel.

My audience,
I am being pulled into the stage
I clearly see the knots in my strings
The tyranny of puppeteer echoes through them.
I am the villain in here…
I am going to be hated
I am going to be thrown away
The good people are going to kill me...

Laugh my Audience, Amuse yourself.

- Vivek Singh


At 9:58 PM, Blogger Kanupriya said...

these two (and the artworks) are amazing!


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